Sunday, April 18, 2010

Fact Sheet

It's a lovable fact that everybody loves facts. In spirit of this, the only way to read facts is to listen to a very factual song. Before reading anything factual, could you please start the song that appears at the bottom of the picture.

There are 218 million child labourers in the world.

14% of all children between 5-17 are involved in child labour.

Every year 22,000 children die in work related activities.

Girls are more likely to be child labourers than boys are.

The highest proportion of child labourers is in sub-Saharan Africa, where 49 million are involved in work.

30% of all children in the least developed countries are involved in child labour.

Some children are forced to work for 18 hours or more a day.

1 in 6 children work in child labour.

73 million working children are under the age on 10

8.4 million children are trapped in slavery, trafficking, debt bondage, prostitution, pornography and other illicit activities. 1.2 million of these children have been trafficked.

500,000 children are someway involved in child labour in the Oceania region. (Not including Australia)

70.4% percent of all children are involved in the Agriculture, hunting,
forestry and fishing industries.

Child labour can be caused by the following factors: Poverty, Inadequete school facilities, Family size, & Immoral descisions.

Roughly 122.3 million children ages 5 to 14 are economically active in Asia and the Pacific, 49.3 million in Sub-Saharan Africa, 5.7 million in Latin America and the Caribbean, and 13.4 million in other regions.

The number of children involved in armed conflicts has increased to about 300,000 over the past decade.

I think I have enough facts for now, I might add some more every now and again

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